Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2011 Tweetathon Prize Winners!

First off, thanks again to everyone who donated! You are all winners in my book! But alas! I only have so many prizes to give away. So without further ado...

The winners of the 2011 Hyde and Geek Kids Need to Read Tweetathon prizes are...

$100 ThinkGeek gift certificates: Amy Ratcliffe, Chris C. and Shane and Sarah

(2) 2-day Geek Girl Con weekend passes: Annie Boyle

Geek Soap prize pack: A CS Supporter of Reading

Luxury Lane Soap prize pack: J2Metal

Little Professor Book Center prize pack: Minimate Factory

Crossed Genres prize pack: LukaIsntLuka

Geeky Knit brown toque: Karen Zadina

Geeky Knit Ravenclaw toque: shinyswoots

CthulhuChick Tiny Cthulhu: JentheTiny

Jayne Cobb hat from Wobbly Wear: SpaceMonkeyX

The Real Ghostbusters vol. 1 DVD from Hyde and Geek: Kelly Redwine

And remember that all prize winners get official Hyde and Geek buttons from Who's Got the Button?


  1. YAY!!!!! Who ya gonna call! =)

  2. Hooray! I'm so excited the I got the tiny Cthulhu! I only wish I could get it in time to take to PhxCC with me...I need a mascot!

  3. Ha! I'm going to look rediculous in a Jayne hat, but I'll be sure to take a picture and send it your way once it arrives.

    Thanks again for all your hard work!

  4. Oh, awesome! I'm so excited!! :D

  5. Congrats to everybody! And, SpaceMonkeyX, I'll be looking for that picture. :)
