Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Blogs I Read Regularly and (More Importantly) Why You Should Too!

See that little box down on the right hand side of this page?

Not that one. Look further down.

The one that says "Blogs I follow". There you go!

Those are all cool blogs. But rather than just trusting in my personal tastes, I'm going to give you my reasons that you should be reading these too. So, in no particular order...
  • GeekDad:
    One of a series of blogs hosted at, the GeekDad blog is aimed at, well... geek dads (and moms). It covers toys, science, cool books, video games, movies, robots and many other cool things that you, as a geek, will likely enjoy. What's better? Many of the posts tell you how you can relate these things to your little geeklings. As a GeekDad myself, I really love this site.

    A couple of great posts:
    Descent: Dungeon-Crawling, Pure and Simple
    Treasure Hunting with Kids
  • Frankensteinia:
    Readers of my blog will already know of my affinity (read: obsession) with all things Frankenstein. With that in mind, it should be no shock that the Frankensteinia blog is one of the first blogs I ever started reading regularly. As the title suggests, Frankensteinia covers Frankenstein in all forms: movies, books, tv, artwork, comics, toys...the list is endless. If you have even a passing interest in this classic monster, you have to visit Frankensteinia!

    A couple o' creepy posts:
    Bernie Wrightson's Frankenstein
    The Bride Unwrapped (NSFW)
  • WWnD: In Exile:
    If you're reading my blog, odds are you're already aware of the musings of Wil Wheaton, geek extraordinare. In case you've been living under a rock, Wheaton's the unrivaled guru of geekdom. Sure. He played on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Stand By Me but that's not what makes him the go-to guy in the geek universe. Wheaton plays RPGs, video games, collects toys, codes and... the list could go on. I won't go into massive specifics here since Wil's covered any questions you might have here. He will tell you that he's Just a Geek, but you don't get elected of Secretary of Geek Affairs above luminaries like Steve Wozniak and Joss Whedon without some serious geek cred. It doesn't hurt that Wheaton's also a GeekDad.

    A couple of geeky posts:
    this is for uncle warren
    Phoenix Comicon Rock Band Video Roundup

Now that you know my reasons for reading this fine selection of blogs, you can feel safe adding them to your bookmarks. You're welcome!


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